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Mobile Scanner

Recently, smartphones have allowed us to perform more and more tasks without computers, scanners, or other devices. It's much faster and more convenient. You don't have to get up from the couch or look for places that provide special services. It also helps to save money and free up space on the writing table. Your small mobile device allows you to do many things: connect with friends via social media, follow the news, apply for a job, buy things, even scan documents and make a PDF from photos.

Android Virus

In today's world, many individuals usually use their smartphones to store private information. This private information may include working details, banking information, and communication with colleagues and family members. This makes your android phone an easy target for unauthorized operators. Viruses and malware usually copy themselves on your Android and escalate throughout the android system.

Smartphone Hack

Phone hacking is a frustratingly common phenomenon, and one which every mobile user has to be prepared to guard against.

There are plenty of indicators of a successful hack to be aware of, so come with us as we explore each one and discuss how you can stay safe.

College Essential Devices

Fall and the new semester have just arrived, and we know that most students want to be prepared to avoid stress during this new season. It’s been an eventful year with the pandemic surging across the globe, but life has to go on.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of essential devices students should have at their disposal for college this semester. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to be ready and well-equipped.

Android vs. iOS

While many argue that this issue is decided by branding and status, we believe the reasons go beyond swears by the convenience of a particular software system.

Android and iOS have been competing with each other for almost an eternity. Android and iOS both have a large user base and are constantly borrowing features from one other. This is one of the reasons why both operating systems are so difficult to compare. Despite their similarities, there is one with a more unique and secure interface.

Unlock a Phone

When you buy a phone from T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T; they offer you a subsidized phone deal in exchange for a 2-year (or 30-months) contract. They also lock your phone, so that you cannot take the phone to another carrier. To use the phone you bought from Verizon on the AT&T network (or vice versa), you'll have to unlock your phone. The US carriers used to lock your phone for years, but with the "Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act", you have to right to unlock your phone if you meet their "Unlocking Policy".

How to track a phone number?

Track a Phone Number

Would you like to find more information about someone by their phone number? Would you like to know someone's geolocation by their phone number? A phone number can reveal a lot about you, and it can be a privacy threat if abused. It can also make our lives easier if used properly under the party's agreement. Spying someone without their permission is illegal, and it should be avoided.

Zero Click Attacks

We often hear protecting our online privacy requires us to follow security hygiene and beware of phishing and link baits and do not click on suspicious links from untrusted sources and follow best security practices. We also hear that we need to protect our online accounts with strong passwords and 2FA. Keeping up with the latest software patches, installing anti-virus and anti-malware software are all good practices to protect your devices.


Consumers not only use websites but also use mobile apps for various social media and gaming activities. For app developers to monetize their work, they often publish advertisements offered through Apple, Google, and Facebook among others. Unlike websites, mobile apps do not use cookies and there has to be another way to track user activities. This is where Mobile Advertising ID (MAID) comes in, and it allows advertisers to collect information about mobile users.