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Zero Trust Model

The rapid shift in hybrid working practices has significantly increased the integration of cloud environments within organizations. While it is admissible that the cloud does provide a rapid and efficient working environment, creating ease in data storage and transfer, cloud environments are not particularly secure.

Safe Internet Browsing

Through the years, the internet has opened endless possibilities such as remote work, online education, in-app shopping, entertainment options, and inclusive financial services. It’s never been so easy to do anything in so little time.

Child Safe Online

Whether you're browsing online, checking out the latest video game, searching through Facebook, or another online activity, there are many things you and your children can be doing online. Yet, we are grown-ups and we understand the potential hazards, the hidden intricacies, and the means of protecting ourselves while we are going online. Children aren’t as experienced as adults and they can't detect dangers and know how to avoid them. That is why you, as a parent, should make sure to take some much-needed steps to ensure your child is safe while browsing online. Today we are going to show you some advice in this regard.

API Practices

Securing your REST API is slowly becoming as important as the API itself. While these REST APIs are a mere architectural network, they play a crucial role in structuring apps requiring the use of a modern web framework. Also referred to as a RESTful web server, a REST API plays a vital role for programmers while developing applications that would allow communication over the internet or other networks.

Traffic Encryption

Encrypting traffic is a vital part of staying safe when navigating the internet. Whether you wish to keep personal information private, secure your financial details, or just remain anonymous, traffic encryption is an essential part of everyday internet use. In this article, we will show you how to encrypt your internet traffic with confidence.

Secure Data Online

In 2021, it’s more important than ever to be security-savvy when it comes to your online data – but it can also be more complicated than ever. However, it needn’t be. By following the simple tips below, you’ll reduce the risk of anyone accessing your sensitive data and greatly improve your online security.